Calculating resistors for a 20-switch matrix
I used the technique described in Calculating a resistor network to work out a set of resistors for a 20-key matrix. Here's the program modified for this circuit:
(defparameter e6 '(100 150 220 330 470 680 1000 10 15 22 33 47 68)) (defun matrix (e6) (let ((bestmin 0) values) (flet ((pushvalue (value) (push (truncate (* 1024 value)) values))) (dolist (a e6) (dolist (b e6) (format t "--- ~a ~a~%" a b) (dolist (c e6) (dolist (d e6) (dolist (e e6) (dolist (f e6) (dolist (g e6) (dolist (h e6) (setq values nil) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d e f g h) (+ a b c d e f g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d f g h) (+ a b c d f g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c f g h) (+ a b c f g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b f g h) (+ a b f g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ f g h) (+ a f g h))) ;; (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d e g h) (+ a b c d e g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d g h) (+ a b c d g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c g h) (+ a b c g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b g h) (+ a b g h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ g h) (+ a g h))) ;; (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d e h) (+ a b c d e h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d h) (+ a b c d h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c h) (+ a b c h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b h) (+ a b h))) (pushvalue (/ (+ h) (+ a h))) ;; (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d e) (+ a b c d e))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c d) (+ a b c d))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b c) (+ a b c))) (pushvalue (/ (+ b) (+ a b))) (pushvalue (/ (+) (+ a))) ;; (let* ((sorted (sort values #'<)) (min most-positive-fixnum)) (mapl #'(lambda (x) (when (second x) (let ((diff (- (second x) (first x)))) (when (< diff min) (setq min diff))))) sorted) (when (> min bestmin) (setq bestmin min) (format t "~a (~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a)~%" min a b c d e f g h))))))))))))))
Because this program ran substantially slower than the version for 16 switches I made the code to check each set of candidate values a bit more efficient, but I'm sure it could be improved further.
The best output was:
24 (270 47 47 82 100 330 33 27)
Since you can multiply these values by an arbitrary factor I chose the values a = 27kΩ, b = 4.7kΩ, c = 4.7kΩ, d = 8.2kΩ, e = 10kΩ, f = 33kΩ, g = 3.3kΩ, and h = 2.7kΩ. Here's the final circuit:
If you're curious about why I wanted this, here's the application: Tiny Machine-Code Monitor.
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