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Why can't subseq cope with a dotted list?

1st July 2019

Although subseq is usually used with strings, in Common Lisp it is also quite useful with lists; for example:

> (subseq '(a b c d e) 1 3)
(B C)

However, I found a curious thing about the LispWorks implementation of subseq; it doesn't like improper lists, even if it should be possible to give the correct answer; for example:

> (subseq '(a b c d . e) 1 3)
Error: In a call to LENGTH of (A B C D . E), tail E is not a LIST.

Why is it worrying about the dotted pair at the end of the list if it can perfectly well get elements 1 to 3?

In other situations a dotted pair at the end of a list doesn't cause any problems; for example:

> (mapcar #'cons '(x y z) '(a b c d . e))
((X . A) (Y . B) (Z . C))

Just to confirm that I haven't overlooked something I tried writing my own recursive version of subseq:

(defun mysubseq (list from to)
   ((> from 0) (mysubseq (cdr list) (1- from) (1- to)))
   ((= from to) nil)
   (t (cons (car list) (mysubseq (cdr list) from (1- to))))))

Let's try this with a dotted list:

> (mysubseq '(a b c d . e) 1 3)
(B C)

So it seems fine, and I can see no reason why the built-in version shouldn't be able to handle dotted lists too.

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