Changing the nth item of a list
17th August 2015
Some time ago I posted this question on StackExchange [1]:
The question
I want change the nth element of a list and return a new list.
I've thought of three rather inelegant solutions:
(defun set-nth1 (list n value) (let ((list2 (copy-seq list))) (setf (elt list2 n) value) list2))
(defun set-nth2 (list n value) (concatenate 'list (subseq list 0 n) (list value) (subseq list (1+ n))))
(defun set-nth3 (list n value) (substitute value nil list :test #'(lambda (a b) (declare (ignore a b)) t) :start n :count 1))
What is the best way of doing this?
The responses
To clarify, I wanted an answer that didn't alter the original list, and I preferred answers that were intuitive over answers that were obscure.
There were some interesting comments and suggestions. Terge Norderhaug and user 6502 suggested a variant of set-nth2 using nconc rather than concatenate, and nthcdr to reuse the tail of the original list:
(defun set-nth2a (list n val) (nconc (subseq list 0 n) (cons val (nthcdr (1+ n) list))))
User huaiyuan pointed out that there is a function constantly [2] which can be used as the test in set-nth3:
(defun set-nth3a (list n value) (substitute value nil list :test (constantly t) :start n :count 1))
User huaiyuan suggested this version using fill:
(defun set-nth4 (list n value) (fill (copy-seq list) value :start n :end (1+ n)))
User 6502 suggested the following recursive definition:
(defun set-nth5 (list n val) (if (> n 0) (cons (car list) (set-nth5 (cdr list) (1- n) val)) (cons val (cdr list))))
Loop macro
Finally, there were a couple of suggestions using the loop macro. User huaiyuan suggested:
(defun set-nth6 (list n val) (loop for i from 0 for j in list collect (if (= i n) val j)))
and user WReach suggested this solution:
(defun set-nth7 (list n value) (loop for cell on list for i from 0 when (< i n) collect (car cell) else collect value and nconc (rest cell) and do (loop-finish)))
Which is best?
So now there are eight alternatives; I was interested to see how they would compare in terms of execution time and memory allocation. To do this I used a Spreadsheet application [3] using LispWorks's CAPI interface to run execution time and memory allocation benchmarks for each version of set-nth, and then display the results in a table.
First I created a list of 200000 pairs as dummy test data:
(defparameter *test-data* (let (result) (dotimes (n 200000) (let ((string (format nil "~r" n))) (push (cons string (length string)) result))) (nreverse result)))
Here's the benchmark program, which replaces the 100000th pair with a new value:
(defun measure (fn value) (let (start end (best most-positive-fixnum)) (sys:with-other-threads-disabled (dotimes (x 10 best) (cond ;; Get the run time ((eq value 'time) (setq start (get-internal-run-time)) (funcall fn *test-data* 100000 '(("fish" . 4))) (setq end (get-internal-run-time)) (setq best (min best (- end start)))) ;; Get the memory allocated ((eq value 'allocation) (setq start (total-allocation)) (funcall fn *test-data* 100000 '(("fish" . 4))) (setq end (total-allocation)) (setq best (min best (- end start)))))))))
For example, to get the time benchmark for set-nth1 you run:
(measure 'set-nth1 'time)
The routine takes the minimum value of 10 measurements, to try and get the best estimate.
Finally I ran my spreadsheet function with a list of the functions to be compared [4]:
(spreadsheet '(set-nth1 set-nth2 set-nth2a set-nth3 set-nth3a set-nth4 set-nth6 set-nth7) '(time allocation) #'measure :row-label-fn #'string-downcase :column-label-fn #'string-capitalize)
This displays the benchmarks in a table. Sorting by the Time column gives:
The best version is set-nth7, which uses the loop macro. Of the other versions set-nth3 and set-nth3a using substitute are the best, both by time and memory allocation, and to my mind they're also the most intuitive.
The worst version is set-nth2 which uses concatenate. It allocates four times as much memory and takes nearly 8 times longer than the best version!
- ^ Changing the nth element of a list on StackOverflow.
- ^ CONSTANTLY in the Common Lisp HyperSpec.
- ^ Spreadsheet on CAPI Cookbook.
- ^ I couldn't include set-nth5 because it caused a stack overflow.
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